SESATS XII (12) covers thoracic surgery disorders of the lung and chest wall, mediastinum, acquired and congenital heart disease, and issues in critical care.
SESATS XII is an online web application available for immediate access upon purchase. This latest version comes with all exam materials, permitting instant access to questions, critiques, abstracts and references, plus hundreds of digital images and movies. SESATS XII also lets you link to sites on the internet for easy research.
To order SESATS XII, you must have your SESATS user ID and password. If you have forgotten your user ID or password, use this form to have your account credentials sent to your email address. If you have forgotten your SESATS user ID and password AND you do not have a valid email address on ABTS, then send us a note.
To create a new SESATS account, visit the Registration Application.
Visit the SESATS XII (12) website now to review demo questions and view the online tutorial.
Cost: $600 ($300 for ACGME Residents).